Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mrs Mead's Martian

Year 3, I had a go at making a Martian too.  I wish I could keep him at my house.  How would you describe his features?


  1. This martian has green chicken feet. His body is an oval shape and he has one small eye. His mouth is open and it looks like he might be chewing something. You can see his top and bottom teeth. He has two, small purple bat wings. His ears look like rabbit ears and they are purple in the middle and green on the outside. He has thin green arms. He has four little purple antennae above his eye. He has little purple freckles on his chubby cheeks. He looks cute and funny.

  2. Wow, thanks for the detailed description 3F! You seem to have noticed EVERYthing about my Martian. If I ever lost him I will use your description for a Wanted Poster (ha ha!).
    I especially love the way you said "chubby cheeks". It's really cool how both these words start with the same sound. I wonder how many more of those you can think of...?
