Friday, May 20, 2011

Moving into Literacy and Creating

Year 3W are looking forward to using the Literacy and Creating apps this term. We've had fun investigating what exciting apps we can use this term. We are looking forward to 'creating a martian'. We are looking forward to creating texts using StoryKit and Comic Touch. We've also discovered Puppet Pals, I Can Animate and Cut the Rope. We think Chicktionary looks like lots of fun and we can learn lots of words at the same time. 'Blanks looks as though it would be rather challenging.

We look forward to sharing our creations with you and improving our literacy skills at the same time. We will keep you posted!!!


  1. Hi 3W

    I'm bringing in some cool animal posters from Far North Queensland tomorrow, looking forward to sharing them with you tomorrow.

    Bye 3W, see you tomorrow.

    Animal Lover AQ

  2. It has been so fun using the I-pods in Literacy.
    Grammer Dragon was my favourite App. LC 3S

  3. 3F has used most of the apps you want to try and we found them to be really fun. We have only just recently discovered Cut the Rope and we think it is good for problem solving. We hope that you have a lot of fun using the apps.

  4. I also use the app Whirly Words to help me with my words. Mum is putting Chickionary on her Ipod today.

  5. Hi, 3s comictouch is realy fun because you can put
    special effects and also you can stretch other
    peoples faces out.Jacob Scott.

  6. Hey, Mrs Walker, what about 'Cut the rope'.Don't tell me you've forgotten to tell my class mates and I if we're going to play it.

  7. i've played cut the rope and are we going to play it.

  8. hi 3w, I really like puppet pals. thanks ella

  9. Hi 3w, I'm in 3f. I really like the idea of puppet pals even though I've already used it. I hope most of you liked it. From Patrick in 3f.
