Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thanks 7P

Thanks Mrs Peasey and 7P for showing so much interest in our Year 3 blog. We have been using the iPod touches in our Numeracy rotations for about five weeks now. We always look forward to having our turn. We usually use apps that are either connected to the Maths concepts we are learning in class or help us practise our numeration techniques. This means we get to work on apps that help us become more accurate with our basic facts like addition and subtraction. We have used a variety of apps over the 5 weeks. These are a few we have used and enjoyed:

  • Clockmaster

  • PopMaths

  • Apples

  • Comp Carl

  • Shapes Lite

  • Tangrams

  • Sums

These apps are easy and fun to use. The children in 3W enjoy using the iPod touches because we are 'learning and having fun at the same time'. Some of the apps present a real challenge because you progrees through different levels.

Hopefully you will keep up-to-date with our blog so you can all see the amazing benefits of using iPod touches in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I really like using the ipods at school. My favourite thing to do on it is to play Pop Match. I have an ipod touch at home.

    Flynn 3W
