Friday, April 1, 2011

Awesome apps

This week 3F used two news apps in our language group time. These were Epic Citadel and Sonic Pics. Epic Citadel is an app where you get to explore a medieval castle and the area surrounding it. Sonic Pics lets you record your voice behind the photos you take with a screenshot. Here is what the class thought about these apps and what they learnt when they used them.

Hannah and Maia liked how in Epic Citadel they were able to go in the water. Rory discovered how you could jump out the water.

Meg, Andrew, Joshua, Axelle and William found out that in Epic Citadel you can knock on a door by tapping on the screen, but the door still didn't open.

Alex and Zach found out that my using the two circles on the screen, one could be used to turn the angle of the camera around and the other one moved you along without touching the screen.

Luke and Celeste used screen shots from Epic Citadel in Sonic pics to record their descriptions about the photos.

Lucy and Matina found a circus outside the Castle grounds in Epic Citadel. Tahlia, Jack and Noah found out how to go inside the circus tents.

Patrick thought Epic Citadel was the most beautiful, medieval land he has seen.

Daniel found a statue in the castle.

Next week we are not learning about any new apps. We are instead going to create descriptions either in comic touch or Sonic pics about our favourite apps we have used this term.

1 comment:

  1. I have loved reading about the two apps you learnt about. I love all the apps on my ipad. I especially love to use magazine apps, it is really interesting to see the cover of a magazine come to life and be animated. I also use an app that changes photos to a comic style picture. Have fun 3F.
    Kind Regards
    Leisa Low
