Friday, November 11, 2011

Angles are awesome

In 3B we have been using the iPods in our Math's rotations to show what we have learnt about angles.

First, we had to find different sized angles in our classroom. We were looking for angles that were smaller than a right angle, the same size as a right angle and ones that were larger than a right angle. To help us to know the size of an angle, we used the right angle tester we made in class.

Then we had to take 6 photos of the different angles we had found in the room. To make sure we got a good photo of the angle, we learnt how to zoom in when we took a photo.

Once we had all of the photos we needed, we added the photos from the photo gallery to Sonic Pics. We then sorted the photos in order from the smallest angle to the largest angle. Some children recorded information about their photos onto Sonic Pics.

We showed our teacher our work and also shared it with the other children in our group.

Some children also used Story Kit and Comic Touch to sort the photos of the angles and to add some text about their photos.

This activity helped us to learn more about angles because it allowed us to share the angles we had found with other people. We had fun using the apps and recording and sharing our ideas. We learnt a lot and we are looking forward to learning more about angles.


  1. Angles are a bit hard to take pictures of because you have to use the zoom on the camera. I like using a camera to do things like this. Jacob 3B

  2. This was a fun way to search for angles around our classroom.The camera is great for this.My glasses look like a right angle but the corner is a bit curved I think.
    I can't wait till Christmas time then I can take lots of pictures with my iPod touch.
    Bye.Is this our last comment for the year?
    If it is Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Matina from 3B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. HI 3B, It was a fun activity looking for angles with my group and writing down everything I noticed. Finn
