Friday, July 22, 2011

Fun with Adjectives and Nouns

Glow Paint and Glow Free were two apps we used this week in 3W. We used these apps to learn more about adjectives. Mrs Walker gave us some nouns (names of people, places, animals and things) and we had to think of interesting adjectives to describe the nouns. Here are some examples of what we came up with.

Jamee liked "Glow Free" because after she started writing her word, it started to light up.

Oscar enjoyed using the "Glow Paint" and "Glow Free' because you could draw whatever you wanted. Also, you had the choice of lots of colours to make the words and pictures more interesting.

Andre particularly liked "Glow Free" because you had the choice of different modes of presentation. For example, he could mirror a word or drawing, and use different icons to add to drawings or words.

Kayla didn't like the fact you had to write your words very small and sometimes they didn't fit on the screen.

Connor found "Glow Free" frustrating because it was difficult to change between the different modes.

Austin found it a little difficult to take a screen shot because the top button was quite hard to push down.
Thank-you to 3S for letting us know about "Grammar Jammer" and "Grammar Dragon. We're hoping to use them next week.


  1. This app is very cool but my adjective isn't up there.I hope we will do cut the rope as an activity. andre

  2. Hi 3W I thought our post we wrote was a good post that needed more Lara.K

  3. Hi 3W thank you Mrs.Walker for helping us make a good post.By Kayla

  4. Hi 3W

    Thanks Mrs Walker, I really enjoyed the apps this week and cannot wait for next week and Grammar Jammer and Grammar Dragon, bring it on. Aidan Q

  5. I like using the iPods at school to learn new things. by Lara G.

  6. this app made me frustrated because I when I rubbed letters out I could not write them back unless I pressed the colour button:D guess who?????BEC!!!!that's who!!!!!!!!!!:):D

  7. Hi 3W
    All of your videos are good and I can't decide which one to choose.
    From Noah Low.

  8. Hi 3W, I thought glow paint was really fun because you got to draw the picture with your finger and it was amazing how you could change the colour of the drawing and it glowed. From Ethan
