This term, 3F will be looking at different apps related to Mathematics. As well as playing some of the wonderful math’s apps that are on the iPod Touch, we will be making our own presentations to help other children in years 1, 2, 3 and maybe Prep, to learn about Maths.
To start this project, we wrote ideas for what math’s concepts we might like to use for our presentation. We will be working in small groups and we will need to work out what we want to teach and what apps we might use to make our presentation.
This week we looked at some of the Math’s apps and here are some that we liked.
Pat and lots of other year 3s liked Pop Maths because it helped him with their math’s skills and it was fun popping the balloons.
Maia, Rory and Jacob enjoyed Cut the Rope because you really have to think about what you do before you do it. It is good for problem solving.
Hannah, Meg, Emerson, Daniel and others really liked Dot to Dot because she had to use her counting skills to discover what the picture was going to be.
Kid’s Maths was an app that Celeste enjoyed because she thinks it will help her to learn her time tables and her math’s facts.
Alex explored the app StoryKit, which is a storytelling app that he might use for his presentation.
3F your presentations sound interesting. We can't wait to see them and we would love you to teach us about maths.